How to use Heritage Trails

How to use Heritage Trails

Registration and logging In

Certain features of the Heritage Trail application require the user to be registered and logged in. Where a
feature requires the user to be logged in, a login dialog box will be presented, which includes text
boxes for Login name and Password. This dialog box also has links to register a new user and reset
password for an existing user. When a user is logged in their name is displayed at the top of the
map window, along with a logout link.

Find a place

  1. Select ‘Find a Place’ from the dropdown menu in the Find dialog.
  2. Type at least three letters or more into the search box in the Find dialog.
  3. Search results matching the text will be returned beneath the text box.
  4. Click on a result to zoom the map to the appropriate location.

Find a historic feature

  1. Select ‘Find a Historic Feature’ from the dropdown menu in the Find dialog box.
  2. Type at least three letters or more into the search box in the Find dialog box.
  3. Search results matching the string will be returned beneath the text box.
  4. Click on a result to zoom the map to the appropriate location.

When a search result has been selected, further information about that trail is shown in a new
dialog box. The Historic Features layer is selected in the Map Key dialog box, and the selected feature is
zoomed to in the map window and highlighted. A new dialog box pointing to the selected historic
feature is shown displaying the following information:

  • Full name of the historic feature.
  • Brief description and period.
  • Photo thumbnails, if available.
  • Link to the feature page at Heritage Gateway with further information.

How to submit a trail

Click on the ‘Submit new trail’ button in the Map Key dialog box. The user must be logged in to submit
a new trail. A New Trail dialog box is displayed. Fill in the following details of the trail:

  • Trail name - up to 30 characters.
  • Description - up to 100 characters.
  • Notes - up to 200 characters.

The trail itself can be added by either:

  • Clicking on the ‘upload a KML or GPX file’ in the New Trail dialog to upload a pre-existing track
    (e.g. recorded using a GPS device or suitably-equipped mobile-phone).
  • Drawing the track on the map, using the instructions shown in the New Trail dialog box.

Add photos if required by clicking on the ‘Add photos’ button in the New Trail dialog box, clicking on
the map where the photo should be located, and uploading the photo using the file selector. When
complete, submit the new trail by clicking on the ‘Submit’ button in the New Trail dialog box.

New trails will go through an approval process with an administrator before being available.

Rating a trail

There are two types of rating:

  • To rate a trail for difficulty; hover over the Difficulty rating stars in the Find dialog box and click on
    the appropriate star to your rating. The user must be logged in to rate a trail.
  • To rate a trail for enjoyment; hover over the rating stars in the Find dialog box and click on the
    appropriate star to your rating. The user must be logged in to rate a trail.

Commenting on a trail

To comment on a trail, click on the ‘Add a new comment’ link in the Find dialog box. The user must be
logged in to comment on a trail.

Download a trail

  1. Click on the Download icon in the Find dialog box.
  2. Select gpx or kml format.
  3. Click on the Download button or use the QR code to download to your mobile device.

Share a trail

  1. Click on the Share icon in the Find dialog.
  2. Select the platform you wish to share the map URL with or copy the URL from the text box to
    share manually.

Uploading photos to a historic feature

Click on the ‘+’ icon in the Photos section of the Historic Feature information dialog box. Photos will
go through an approval process with an administrator before being available.

Report an issue for a historic feature

Click on the ‘Report an issue’ link in the Historic Feature information dialog box. The user must be
logged in to report an issue.