Land Availability Assessment (LAA)

Land Availability Assessment (LAA)

2017 Land Availability Assessment (LAA) Final Report

Following a Call for Sites the 2017 LAA is now complete and consists of a final report, interactive map and area reports:

2017 Area Reports - these do not hold final comments which are included in the 2017 LAA Report above:

This Report will be used as evidence as part of our Local Plan Review. The suitability of sites was assessed against an agreed methodology. Further details of how the process works is below.

What is the LAA?

The LAA (previously known as Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment or SHLAA) is a technical exercise to help identify land that could have potential for housing, employment and gypsy and traveller uses.  All local planning authorities carry out a LAA (a requirement of the National Planning Policy Framework).  It enables them to ensure there is enough land for new homes to meet the needs of communities.  

Please note: The LAA is not a policy making document, it does not decide where new development will take place. Decisions included in this report do not mean planning permission has or will be granted for a site.  They are not a planning decision made by Dartmoor National Park Authority. Sites deemed acceptable by the panel are simply technically feasible. All sites will still be required to go through the normal process of planning permission process and are not guaranteed permission.

What does the LAA do?

LAA consider whether a site could be developed, not whether it should (that is for the local plan, or a planning application to decide).  It identifies potential sites for housing, employment and traveller uses and assesses whether these are developable, how much development could be accommodated on them and whether they could be delivered within 5, 10 or 15 year time frames. The LAA examines sites we already know about (for example sites already allocated in the local plan) as well as new sites generated by the 'call for sites'. Sites will be reviewed by a LAA Panel including members of the commercial and development industry - further details on the Panel are included in the methodology.

As this is a technical process the review of sites is not open for public consultation - there will be opportunities for community involvement in the consideration of sites as part of the local plan review process, and any subsequent planning applications. There is more detail about when this would happen in the Local Development Scheme, and more information about our community engagement in Planning - Having your say

How is it prepared?

The LAA must be prepared in line with the National Planning Practice Guidance. The partners of the Exeter Housing Market Area have developed a LAA Methodology and a Panel Constitution and Terms of Reference adopted in April 2017, to enable each Authority to prepare its own LAA following a common approach.

Previous SHLAA

> List of 2014 SHLAA sites by settlement

> Interactive Map of 2017 LAA sites

How do I find out more?

Contact the Forward Planning team on 01626 832093 or email