Challenge 25: Nibbled Hazelnuts

Challenge 25: Nibbled Hazelnuts

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Points available: 3

About the challenge

In September the hazelnuts begin to ripen and are eaten by squirrels, mice, voles and dormice amongst others. They each have their own special way of gnawing the shell to get to the tasty nut inside. If you look beneath a hazel bush you will often find the discarded shells. Collect a handful and look carefully at how they have been eaten. Can you work out who has been at work?

Helpful tips

The People Trust  for Endangered Species has a great Fact Sheet you can download all about Dormice to find out more

More information

You can find out more about Dormice on Dartmoor  with the  East Dartmoor Woods blog

or watch this talk  by local  naturalist Matt Parkins

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