Feedback and complaints

Feedback and complaints

If you want to give us feedback, compliment us or complain about any of our services, you can:

Complete our online form

Phone: 01626 832093


Write to:

The Complaints Officer
Dartmoor National Park Authority
Bovey Tracey
Devon TQ13 9JQ

Making a complaint

We have a procedure for complaining about our service or procedures. There are separate processes for complaints about members, for complaints from MPs or public bodies such as parish councils; and for objections to planning applications.

Your complaint will be treated in confidence, and as we cannot respond to anonymous complaints, we need your contact details to be able to follow up the complaint with you.

Complaints procedure

Informal stage

Try to discuss the issue with the individual or service directly; they should always try to resolve the problem at this stage. If an immediate response cannot be made, the manager responsible will send a written reply within 10 working days.

Formal stages

If you are dissatisfied with the initial response you can make a formal complaint in writing to our Complaints Officer. You can email or post your written complaint and there is a an online form you can use if you wish. If you’re not able to write your complaint, phone us on 01626 832093.

Stage 1 - Your complaint is passed to the senior manager responsible for the area you are complaining about. They will directly investigate the complaint and reply to you within 15 working days. We will let you know if the reply is delayed for any reason.

Stage 2 - If you are dissatisfied with the response at Stage 1, you may write to the Complaints Officer again explaining why you are still concerned. The Complaints Officer (or another senior manager if there is any conflict of interest) will review the complaint and provide a final response. This response will be within 25 working days and is the end of our complaints procedure.

Sometimes the Authority may decide to employ the services of a suitably qualified individual to help an officer investigate a complaint.

Policy on the management of unreasonable complainant behaviour

The Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman

If you have been through our complaints procedure and are still unhappy, you can ask the Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman to review your complaint.  It is a free service.

Get an online form at:

Annual Review Letter 2023/24