Nature Noughts and Crosses

Nature Noughts and Crosses

This game is perfect for the garden!Noughts and crosses game made from twigs and stones

The aim of the game is to make a line of three noughts or crosses whilst trying to block your opponent from doing the same. The first player to get three in a row is the winner.

You will need:

  • 4 sticks, about 40cm long
  • Something to bind them together (string, long grass, climbing plant)
  • 10 short, thin sticks
  • 5 pebbles or cones

Step 1

Find four sticks that are about the same length and arrange them in a crisscross pattern, two vertically and two horizontally. Tie each join where the sticks cross each other.

Step 2

Snap thinner lengths of sticks into 10 short pieces. Make a cross by taking two sticks and binding them together around the middle.

Step 3

Twist the sticks so they form an ‘x’ shape and tie the binding across the other way to hold in place, finishing with a knot. Collect your pebbles or cones and you are ready to play!

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