Weave a twiggy web

Weave a twiggy web

You will need:Spider web made out of string and twigs with plastic spider

  • 3 x Twigs
  • String or wool
  • A toy spider is optional

Step 1

Start by collecting some long twigs or sticks from your garden or on your daily walk. The straighter the better for this one. Be careful to only take ones that you find already lying dead on the ground – and never from fresh ones from living trees.

Step 2

Lay your sticks on a flat surface so that they are laying on top of each other to form the frame of your web.

Step 3

Wrap the end of your string or wool around the middle of the frame several times to help hold all of the twigs together. I started the first two sticks with a square lashing which is a good tight knot to secure sticks that lie across each other. There are lots of You Tube clips to help you with learning this knot and I like to use one called Animated Knots. I then placed the third stick on top and did the same.

Step 4

Then start to unwind the string over and behind each twig, going around in a circle until you have created a web pattern. Try and keep the string tight as you wind so that you don’t get a loose web. Tie off the string on one of the sticks and make sure you do it as tight as you can.

Spider web made out of string and twigs

Step 5

Hang outside in the garden and check each morning to see how many spiders have made your web their home. I hope you don’t find any as big as the one in my garden!

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