Sustainability Appraisal / Strategic Environmental Assessment (SA/SEA)

Sustainability Appraisal / Strategic Environmental Assessment (SA/SEA)

Dartmoor National Park Authority (DNPA) is required to ensure that the Local Plan contributes to sustainable development and integrates environmental consideration into the Plan. This is done through a combined Sustainability Appraisal (SA)/ Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).

SA/SEA for Final Draft Local Plan (Regulation 19) September 2019

SA/SEA for First Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) September 2018

Initial Scoping and Appraisal

The first stage is to establish a baseline and identify the potential sustainability / environmental issues the Local Plan needs to address. This is then used to develop an assessment framework to test the draft strategy and policies of the Plan. These are set out in the Scoping Report which the statutory environmental bodies (Natural England, Environment Agency, and Historic England) are consulted on.

The next stage of the SA process is concerned with developing and refining alternatives and assessing effects. This Initial SA Report provides information on the scoping and methods used in the process. It focuses on the early stage of plan-making with the draft Vision for the Local Plan Review and the testing of possible options for the proposed Spatial Strategy.

Initial SA Report (December 2017)