Living Dartmoor - Local Level

Living Dartmoor - Local Level

The delivery of Living Dartmoor will be dependent to a large degree upon the involvement and support of local landowners, communities and voluntary organisations. Re-connecting people and wildlife was one of the four main themes of The Natural Choice, the Natural Environment White Paper and is also highlighted in the National Park Management Plan. The Dartmoor Biodiversity Partnership would like to increase the opportunities for people to get involved in their local environment to produce benefits for wildlife. These projects are best achieved through the development of local initiatives.

One such locally based initiative that includes a number of wildlife conservation projects is the Moor than Meets the Eye Landscape Partnership Project.

Looking after Wildlife

Creating better conditions for wildlife in your own garden is something most of us can do to help improve the availability of habitats at a local level. The Devon Wildlife Trust, RSPB and Butterfly Conservation all provide information about caring for wildlife in your garden.

When applying for planning permission to carry out works to your land or home, you need to ensure that wildlife will not be adversely affected by the proposals and indeed may it be able to benefit from the development.

For more detail about how Living Dartmoor related to local level initiatives at the time of writing, and for the complete original text, see Living Dartmoor full original text (PDF).