Access and Rights of Way notices

Access and Rights of Way notices

Access Land Restrictions

It is sometimes necessary to restrict public access to areas mapped as CROW Access Land. Dartmoor National Park Authority (as Access Authority and Relevant Authority) may make Directions to restrict or exclude access for reasons including land management purposes, public safety, heritage and wildlife considerations. For Directions lasting six months or more, the Relevant Authority is required to carry out public consultation on any proposed restrictions before reaching a decision.

Temporary Closures - Public Rights of Way

Temporary closures to public rights of way are sometimes necessary in order to undertake  essential maintenance or repairs.  We also receive applications for Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TTRO's)  from utility companies and others undertaking works  that impact on the use of public paths. Paths are only kept closed for the minimum duration whilst works are carried out and if at all possible we will promote an alternative route for the duration of the closure.

Public Footpath  No. 28 (Okehampton Camp)

Ministry of Defence has given notice that  in exercise of the power in section 16 of the Defence Act 1842, the Secretary of State for Defence considers it necessary to temporarily divert part of footpath 28 through the military establishment known as Okehampton Camp for all users and pursuant to section 17, is providing another path in lieu thereof.

Temporary diversion from 6 July to 17 August 2023. More information is available on the Government website.

Public Footpath No. 16 (Ashburton)

Dartmoor National Park Authority has made an order under section 22BB(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and the National Park Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England) Regulations 2007, to prohibit through traffic on Footpath
No. 16 (Ashburton) from Ordnance Survey Grid Reference SX 7653 7089 to SX 7652 7123. A temporary alternative route has been provided via Place Lane.

This restriction is necessary whilst engineering works are undertaken and the closure will be in operation only when appropriate traffic signs are displayed.

The order came into force on 14 March 2022 and has since been extended by the Secretary of State until 31 December 2025 or on completion of the works, whichever is sooner.

Public Rights of Way Diversion Orders

Bridleway No. 4 and Footpath No. 5 (Christow) Public Path Diversion Order 2023

The above Order made on 31 August 2023 under section 119 Highways Act 1980 will divert part(s) of the above public rights of way.

Public Path Diversion Order

Status: Awaiting confirmation

Footpath No. 6 (Christow) Public Path Diversion Order 2023

The above Order made on 25 May 2023 under section 119 Highways Act 1980 will divert part(s) of the above public footpath.

Public Path Diversion Order

Status: Awaiting confirmation

Footpath No. 16 (Ashburton) Public Path Diversion Order 2021

The above Order made on 19 August 2021 under section 257 Town & Country Planning Act 1990 will divert part of the above  public footpath.

Public Path Diversion Order

Order Plan

Statement of Reasons

Status: Awaiting confirmation.

Footpath No. 8 (Hennock) Public Path Diversion Order 2021

The above Order made on 24 June 2021 under section 119  highways act 1980 will divert part of the above public footpath.

Footpath No. 8 (Hennock) Public Path Diversion Order 2021

Status:   Confirmed.